The students of Claret Academy (Secondary School) are the reason why the school exists in the place. All efforts and work of the staff are geared towards the formation of the students. And students of the Academy are all those who are properly registered and matriculated in it. Every student of Claret Academy has a fundamental right to:
Participate actively in the educative process.
Take all the opportunities and advantages offered in the school as a necessary part of his or her formation, according to the ideals and objectives of the institute.
Be guided and helped with his personal, academic, vocational and spiritual problems, according to his/her age level and maturity.
Be protected, respected, encouraged and appreciated in his/her human dignity, as a human person.
To seek spiritual advice and direction from the priests working in the school.
Receive bulletins and necessary information guides regarding his/her participation in school activities.
Be taught in all the hours assigned for his studies and be duly prepared for all their official external examinations.
Participate in all the activities designed for his/her development.